Monday 7 December 2009

Lifting a Weight

For the second assignment I had to show a character lifting weight and showing that this object was heavy when I first thought about this I thought hmm can't be that hard , but then when playing around with things I find out that it is hard to show that something is heavy , you have to think about the timing and posture alot. I again refrenced to looking at the Animators suvival kit book which I got the basic idea and principles from.

I started out by drawing my pose to pose pictures and adding inbetweens on paper then I put them into the computer and went over the lines in Adobe Illustrator and then went over them again in Adobe Photoshop for the effect I wanted.

To show that the bowling ball was heavy I put in alot of ''shakes'' so you could see that the character was struggling with it , and also made him raise it up very slowly , at the end he drops it slightly then has to really push it up above his head.

At the start of the animation I made the character scratch his head as to be thinking about what way to approach the ball , I made the begining part very fast when he is trying to lift it up as I really wanted to show the enitial lift.

Overall I am very happy with this because I think you really get the idea and sense that the bowling ball is really heavy and that the character is struggling alot.

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